Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My first Ormus Blog..The WESAK Moon Ormus!

Wow, that last (Wesak) Full Moon was incredible!
It was TWO Full Moon evenings because the peaking of the FULLNESS was at 2.01 pm in the afternoon! So we had TWO potent evenings of the eeriest and strongest full moons I have ever experienced.
I went down on the first night of the moons 'double act' to collect 100 litres of great South Currumbin Beach ocean water at 2-2.30 am while the moon mostly hid behind a intermittently breaking cloud cover, which beforehand it had had an outrageously beautiful halo around it.

My Ormus making student/friend Dennis and I (Denis) were down, not just collecting ocean water but talking to the moon (yes I know ... it WAS a bit lunar) .. and the vibe of the night was RICH and CLEAR as I TOLD the Luminous Orb what I expected this month, this year and the remainder of this decade.

Well, everything being somewhat alive, my intentions seemed heard so I waded into the surf with my drums and quickly made off with my 100 litres of pristine ocean water.
So, back to my "Lounge Lab" where, every month, my lovely loungeroom becomes an Ormus making laboratory and Sacred Space for the conduction of the signature energies of the Angelic realm and the Divine, who come by invitation to add their sweetly elevated 'energies'.

Huh? Did I just say that?
Yep! For the last two batches, I have been 'staggered' by the almost overwhelming presence of the Angelic Energies and the SWEETNESS of the ascended beings and divine souls who have come to visit and leave their imprint IN my lucky Ormus.

Lucky for ME and lucky for my lovely customers.
Water has memory, right?
Well, Ormus has RADIANCE!
Ormus RADIATES out every impression and influence from when/where/how it is made and the energies and signature of the maker and all those present .. INCLUDING ALL the Divine Beings that show up when their name is called and leave some of their 'signature vibration' IN the lovely, lucky Ormus.

Well, the next day we prepared the Ormus making "Lounge Lab" and had the Gregorian Monks Chanting away on the sound system and the Crystal singing bowl holding some Ormus-to-be ocean water .. while I hummed it into resonant luchness vibrationally before I started the Lye liquid precipitation in the Power spot in the Teslas Power Pyramid constructed around my lounge.

Well, the Ormus precipitation process TOOK ALL DAY and was done in FOUR stages with THREE eating, tea drinking, and walking breaks so get 'settled down' and 'normalised' as my energies were HUMMING with the energies of this POWERFUL, Full Wesak Moon!

The resulting Ormus dowsed phenomenally high on my LOC* scale reading (tested by dowsing..) a new high all over again! And I thought the MARCH Pisces- Virgo moon was a Steller Batch!!

At the moment it is resting in my Orgone chamber collecting power befor being shipped out to customers later this week. Specify the Wesak Ormus if you want some.

Cheers and regards,
Denis of Oz


  1. I forgot to mention that if anyone wants my "Elixir of Life" Ormus Internationally it is USD$110 for 500Mls in the USA Canada ...
    and USD$115 for 500ml to Europe.

    The 200ml size if USD60 (USA) and $65 for Europe.

    These are postage fully paid prices as freight is a big part of the cost.
    Pay by using '' as the paypal payee address.
    I will get it with the hour and you will get it in a week or two.
    It will be worth the wait!

  2. It must be absolutely WONDERFUL to experience Angelic Energies, the sweetness of the ascended beings and divine souls! I can only imagine. For me, there is a huge level of comfort knowing that my ORMUS is made with TENDER, LOVING CARE. I couldn't ask for anything more. Hope to see more posts!
